Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Alex Ghica's Weight Loss

Success story of weight loss

My name is Alex Ghica, I'm from Bucharest, Romania. I'm 22 years old, and in february 2010 I took a decision to change my life, after dropping out of all sports activities and becoming a fast food junkie and candy addict I gained weight considerably. I had two attempts to loose weight, which did not work out that well, because all the weight lost, was gained back real quick. In february I completely changed my lifestyle, now I try to help others achieve the same thing. I quit smoking after 7 years in january 2011 as a bonus for leading a healthy life. Here are some photos of what happened so far. In february 2010 I had 116kg, and 31% body fat, now I have 85kg and 14% body fat.

  The "now" photos are two months old, I'll post my latest pics at the end of july when my transformation is complete, I do not want to look like a body builder, I just want to be perfectly fit. The stretch marks on my body will always remind me that McD and other friendly fastfood places have only "the best interests of serving us the most nutritious and healthy foods".

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Health Insurance Benefits to Consider in 2012....

Health Insurance Benefits

Health insurance benefits cover everything from prescription costs to clinic visits and hospital stays. All health plans are not created equal though, so it is very important to take the time to do your homework and find the right plan for you and your family’s medical needs.

Before you enroll in, or purchase, a new plan for health insurance benefits, there are several aspects you should take into consideration:

1. Carefully compare benefits and services of several plans before you choose one. Basic health care benefits include preventative care, office visits, emergency room and urgent care visits, and maternity care.

Additional services are generally subject to a deductible and will vary by plan type and level of coverage.

The Most popular Health Insurance Benefit Plans

The two most popular types of plans are HMO’s and PPO’s. HMO’s require prior authorization if you would ever need to see a specialist and PPO’s require you to see a physician of your own choosing but within a certain network.

2. Determine the deductible, co-pay, and coinsurance amounts you will be responsible for. Deductible amounts are usually available at $0, $250, $500, $1000, $2000 or $5000. Co-pays can range from $20-$50 depending on the service required at the time. Coinsurance amounts are generally set at 10 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent or 40 percent.

Many plans offer both in-network and out-of-network deductible and coinsurance. Out-of-network deductibles are usually much higher if they are available at all. The deductible must be met for all services subject to a deductible before insurance coverage kicks in to pay it’s share of your bill.

For example, a $500 deductible would need to be paid by you,the insured, before the insurance company pays for any services performed at your appointment.

Settling on a higher deductible may lower your premium payments every month but you will end up paying more out-of-pocket expense.

3. Review the pharmacy benefits closely. Most health care plans offer a pharmacy benefit, however this may only be limited to a discount service, and may also be limited to generic medications, as well.

Read the health insurance benefits terms carefully and determine the m onthly or yearly cost of the medications you take on a regular basis. Consider the yearly maximum the plan will cover, and be aware of guidelines regarding brand-name medications.

Ask for the formulary from the plan you settle on to see which medications are covered and available to you should you need them.

 Carefully Evaluate Health Insurance Benefits
4. Evaluate other plan coverages like mental health coverage and chiropractic coverage. Many plans exclude mental health coverage unless the plan holder has an “extreme mental health condition”. For basic out-patient drug and alcohol treatment, or basic mental health therapy, your plan may be subject to a limited number of sessions. Generally, this number can range from 10 to 25 sessions per plan year.

The same holds true for chiropractic coverage. If this service is covered you may only get a certain number of visits ach year.

5. Determine if the plan offers a health savings account (HSA). An HSA is usually pre-tax and can be used to pay for any medical related expense. Use your pre-tax dollars to pay for any medical expenses with a card issued from your carrier.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Get Expert Advice When Dealing With A Health Insurance Claim..

Whilst recuperating from a period of ill health, one thing you don’t  want to deal with is a pile of medical invoices and  indecipherable statements from your health insurance ..........................

........provider and tiresome arguments over your healthcare entitlements. You sense that the insurer is trying to avoid their responsibilty and you wish you had the expertise to argue with them.

This formidable task can now be outsourced to a specialist consultant.

There are now more and more specialists available to help the average person tackle gtheir health insurance provider over arguments concerning is not a new but has developed along with the complexities in the health care provision sector

Healthcare claims experts provide a diverse range of services, including:

Monitoring, organising and filing insurance claims.
Filing medical insurance appeals.
Discussing fees for procedures that sometimes are not covered by healthcare insurance, for example radical stomach reduction surgery.
Health billing advocates specialise in arguing inaccurate hospital and doctor bills, but many also help patients dispute claim denials from health insurance providers.

Getting help from an insurance pro

Insurance professionals typically charge a percentage-around 35percent-of how much they save you, or an hourly fee ranging from $75 to $185 an hour.

When should you hire help?

If you get demands of thousands of dollars in excess of a health insurance deductible and you cant work out the reasonthen you want to get someone to help you. The last thing you need is to get debt collection demands. You must keep on top of what is happening and not ignore issues that arise.

If you find yourself in the market for this kind of specialist service then check around and find a professional who has dealt with the type of health insurance claim you are making so that they have a better understanding of the details involved.
Article source by (healthinsuranceforadults)

What is Health Insurance...?

Insurance against loss by illness or bodily injury. Health insurance provides coverage for medicine, visits to the doctor or emergency room, hospital stays and other medical expenses. Policies differ in what they cover, the size of the deductible and/or co-payment, limits of coverage and the options for treatment available to the policyholder. Health insurance can be directly purchased by an individual, or it may be provided through an employer. Medicare and Medicaid are programs which provide health insurance to elderly, disabled, or un-insured individuals. There are a number of companies which provide private health insurance, including Blue Cross, United Healthcare, or Aetna.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Most Common Reason Given For Not to EXERCISE

 No Time.....Gym No Close.....................Ext. More...............Details see continue...........

I Don’t Have Time.

I can’t really blame working on not exercising but there are other things that take priority over exercise in my life. For example, I’d rather spend time playing with my children, or going to events like concerts, or my daughter’s softball game. Or even watching television, or sleeping. Almost anything else is more attractive to me than exercising and I find time to do the other things. Then there’s no time left to exercise.

There is No Gym Close to My House.

I live in Carthage, and the gyms there mark up the prices because they know you’re not going to drive to Shreveport or Longview just to exercise. And when I get off work the gym my co-workers belong to is miles out of the way. Why would I go out of my way to do something I don’t want to do anyway? And, if I have to pay for it, forget it. I’m always broke.

I Have No Energy to Exercise.

 I’m always too tired to exercise. After waking up early, coming home from working and dealing with children, I just want to rest and relax, not work up my heart rate and do sit ups. I want to lay on the couch and watch TV, or read a book. I don’t find exercise relaxing.

I Don’t Know How to Exercise.

When I go to the gym, there are so many different exercise machines, I have no clue which one to try. Then, when I find one, I have no idea how to work it. So, I usually just stand there watching everyone else exercise. The only machine I know how to work is the treadmill and I don’t know how to stop it, so I won’t get on it to begin with. Do those machines come with directions and where are they posted?

 I Have No One to Work Out With

It would be nice to have some company, while working out – someone to keep you motivated – a partner of sorts. But, I have no one to work out with. My Partner’s always tired when he comes in from work and that’s the last thing he wants to do. And, I get off work in the late afternoon when everyone else is still at work. I hate to do things alone, so I’m not likely to exercise without a partner, just like I wouldn’t go to a movie or concert by myself.

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Always Be Healthy by Using 8th Health Tips

All of us make little health mistakes that cause damage to our bodies in the long run - simply because we are unaware we are doing something wrong. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by many of us.

 Cross Your legs 

Do you cross your legs at your knees when sitting? Although we may believe that this is the lady-like elegant way to sit, sitting this way cuts down circulation to your legs. If you don"t want varicose veins to mar the beauty of your legs and compromise your health, uncross your legs every time you realise you have one knee on top of the other. The best way to sit is to simply place both legs together on the floor, balancing your weight equally. If you feel like changing position, instead of crossing your legs, simply move both legs together to one side. As an alternative, you could also consider crossing your legs loosely at the ankles. This is a classically elegant way to sit, and is far better for your legs and your health than sitting with your legs crossed at your knees.

Eat out often

There are oils that are high in cholesterol, and oils that cause little harm and are better for your heart. However, no matter how light the oil is, it is never a good idea to eat too much of it. Avoid fried foods.Remember that in all probability your favourite Indian food restaurant throws a huge, HUGE chunk of butter in a tiny bowl of dal. Rita, who worked in the kitchen of a 5 star hotel, was shocked when she saw the cook chop a 500gm butter slab in half, and throw half into a Paneer Makhani dish. No wonder the customers left licking their fingers. And no wonder they felt so stuffed and heavy afterwards. Limit outdoor eating unless you know that you"re getting served light and healthy food.

Change ur Tooth Brush

How often do you change your toothbrush? Most of us wait until most of the bristles have either fallen off, or are in such bad shape that we"d be embarrassed to pull out our brush in public. However, since not many of us need to pull out our brush in public, we carry on with our frayed one until we lose it. Replace your toothbrush often. Damaged bristles can harm the enamel, and don"t massage your gums well. If you find brushing your teeth a pain like I do, but know you must do it, you might as well be doing it right. Imagine going through the annoyance of brushing your teeth twice a day only to find out that you"re damaging your enamel every time you clean your teeth. Also, use a brush with soft bristles unless your dentist has advised otherwise.

Skip Breakfast

Never, ever skip breakfast. Remember, when you wake up in the morning it"s been around 10-12 hours since your last meal. Your body needs food now, more than at any other time.. Eat a heavy breakfast. You will then be busy through the day, and the calories will get expended quickly. If you are trying to diet, eat a light dinner. Here are some more common health mistakes we make. Being informed and making a few changes can help make us feel a whole lot better.

High Heels

High heels sure look great, but they're murder for your back. This however doesn't mean you should steer clear of stilettos. Wear them, but not when you know you will be walking around a lot. Wear them when going out for lunch or dinner - when the only walking you will be doing is to your car, to the table, and back. Avoid high heels when you are going somewhere on foot. If you are constantly tempted to wear your heels, take a good look at your flats. Is there something about them you dislike? Invest in a new pair of beautiful flats or shoes with a low heel. Buy something you love, that you will enjoy wearing. If possible, get a matching bag. You will then enjoy your flats as much as you do your heels.

Sleeping on a Soft Bed

You don't have to sleep on the floor be kind to your back, but do make sure you have a firm mattress. Although a mattress on springs is soft and lovely to sink into, it's bad for your back. If you already have an old bed with springs, you don't need to invest in a new one - simply get a thick wooden plank put over the springs, and place the mattress on the plank. Similarly, if your mattress is old and lumpy, throw it out and get a new one. Your neck and your back will thank you. The same rule applies to sofas. If you will be spending hours on a sofa, get a firm yet comfortable one. Sofas you completely sink into are not the best idea.


No matter how comfortable sleeping with ten cushions is, have pity on your neck and resist. Sleep with one pillow, and make sure it is not too thick. If your pillow gets lumpy, discard it and go for a new one. Get a thin pillow if you sleep on your stomach, and something a little thicker if you sleep on your back, to give your neck adequate support

No Exercise

So all of us know we should exercise more, but many of us don't. This is a health mistake we consciously make! And why is that? Simply because we refuse to admit the damage we are causing to our bodies by not working out. A number of people only start working out once they've experienced a warning signal. Don't wait for a heart attack to strike before you decide to opt for a lifestyle change. Make the change now. You don't need to train for the marathon to be in top shape. Half an hour of brisk walking three to four times a week will make a world of difference to your health. You could then increase this to forty minutes, four times a week - and you're all set. If you haven't exercised for a week, you're making a mistake.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

How to Living healthy..?

Blood Pressure, Diabetes and given the current heat wave 
our region is suffering from these days

Blood Pressure, Diabetes and given the current heat wave our region is suffering from these days, Heat Strokes are three of the commonest ailments to affect the Pakistan population.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Diabetes can be of three types: Type 1, Type 2 or gestational.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease which occurs when the body's immune system destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. A regular insulin dose must be taken to deal with this type of diabetes. The type 2 diabetes is part of a metabolic syndrome that includes obesity, elevated blood pressure, and high levels of blood fat. It is also the most common type. Gestational diabetes develops only during pregnancy, but though it disappears after delivery, the mother is left more susceptible to type 2 Diabetes in later life.
Occasional high blood pressure is common. Anxiety, exercise, or nervousness can cause a person to have a high reading. Untreated sustained high blood pressure can increase the risk of premature strokes and heart attacks. Blood pressures above 140/90 or higher, or if it remains constantly high, can prove to be dangerous and needs to be addressed at the earliest.
With summer temperatures reaching 38 degrees Celsius or even higher in most cities, heat stroke is again, a seasonal, but huge problem in Pakistan. Heat stroke can be fatal in many cases because it happens so quickly -- there is not much time to react.
It usually starts with lack of water in the body leading to lower perspiration rates and the eventual heating up of the entire body. High humidity also leads to heat strokes as it stops the sweat from evaporating. However, once the body temperature reaches 106 degrees F, it has become a serious problem. Symptoms of Heat Stroke include red, hot, dry skin, rapid heart rate, dizziness and confusion. The only solution for heat stroke is to cool the person down and consult a physician otherwise heat stroke can be fatal in less than an hour.
These are just three of the commonest diseases affecting our region, there are many more. Though there are many ideas, and opinions, on what constitutes good health, or what a meaningfully healthy lifestyle feels like or looks like. It could be said that health should be a natural condition, or at least a consistent state of well being. But what is this natural condition? There are some people who accept pain and discomfort in the body as a necessary part of living. This pain is considered to be a motivator, something for the body to fight against. They accept this condition because they observe that there are so many people with health complaints and so few people free of problems. It is even taken for granted today that dying of a degenerative disease is acceptable if the person had led a 'good life.'
Since most of the common diseases are related to eating a healthy and balanced diet, thirty years ago, people wishful of keeping fit would usually just end up taking in reduced amounts of sugar in their diet and take plenty of proteins, vitamins and minerals to fulfill their body’s requirements. One could simply read food product labels trying to find something that contained little or no sugar. Today however, it is many times worse because of all the sugar substitutes in our food products. If one bothered to read labels today, they would be advised to choose sugar before the sugar substitutes that are available aplenty these days. Processed food products have made life all that more difficult for the more health-conscious amongst us. One alternative that could be followed to ensure a long and healthy lifestyle could be to make your own food from simple organic ingredients. The question now obviously arises, is good health some sort of perfection? In homeopathy good health is said to manifest when a person's "vital force" is being expressed by perfect functioning of all parts of the body and by a sense of general well being. This holistic approach to health states that nature, of which we are an important part, has a constant tendency toward what is best for it. This vital force of nature reaches its masterpiece in the human body and the human consciousness. A famous health expert, Harvey Diamond in his part of the book “Fit for Life II: Living Health” states that humans are "constructed for health and happiness." Life on earth lived in its ultimate achievement is a constant and unshakeable zest for well being and enthusiasm, says Diamond. The secret to good health these days could be following a diet that helps clean out the harmful toxins, of which there aplenty, in our body. Crash diets or pursuing excellence as a lifestyle is not the right option either for a healthier way of life since it is just a shortcut to burn out and prematurely greying hair. Most of us unfortunately follow such a lifestyle at some time or the other in our lives, in our quest for a perfect life embellished with perfect health and happiness. But I seriously doubt if we find either.
If this 'ultimate achievement' of good health is to be truly fulfilled, our goal would be to reach old age and maturity without aches and pains, to be well-balanced and spared emotional traumas and stress-related illnesses even if we were at the ripe, but after all, not so old age of 90 years! In just two words, “highly improbable.” Pushing oneself into the gym instead of resting after a long, hard day is not the road to good health.
If, for millions of years people lived in harmony with the forces of nature and survived, why can we also not follow a more simplistic way of life, with a good, healthy diet in a sufficient amount and a normal amount of exercise? A long time ago dinosaurs disappeared suddenly. Today species of plants and animals are becoming extinct at an accelerating rate. That means that throughout history at least some of us must have maintained an instinctive natural knowledge about how to live healthily enough to allow our species to continue. What we are trying to do today remains a mute question.
The best secret that all of us could use to live healthier lives, avoiding most of the diseases prevailing in the world today, actually only include simple things like sunshine, pure water, sleeping when the sun sets, relying on wholesome foods from nature, having daily alone time in the outdoors and living physically active lives in communities of loving supportive people.

Smile benefits for Health

Smiling is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and add friends. But apparently there are 10 other benefits of a smile to one’s health.

As we all know it takes less facial muscles to make someone smile than frown. Some experts claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 muscles to smile. But some others say it takes 62 muscles to frown and only 26 muscles to smile.

Additionally smile can also improve one’s health and make life more enjoyable. Here are some benefits that can be obtained a person with a smile.

1. A smile makes a person more attractive
Unconsciously smile can make people more attractive because there is a certain attraction factor and make someone look better than a frown, scowl or grimace.

2. A smile can change the mood
Smiling can trick the body so that helps a person’s mood changed for the better. For that if you feel sad, try to smile.

3. A smile can be contagious
Smiling not only change the mood of the person but also the people around him, and make things happier. This is because a smile can be contagious and bring happiness to others.

4. A smile can relieve stress
People who are stressed can be seen from his face, but with a smile can prevent a person look tired and exhausted. If you’re stressed, try to take the time to smile, because it can reduce stress, so better able to take action.

5. A smile increases your immune system
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When someone smiled then increased immune function that makes a person feel more relaxed and protected from diseases such as flu and colds.

6. A smile lowers blood pressure
When smiling then there is impairment of blood pressure measured. Try to measure blood pressure while sitting at home while reading, then smiled for a minute and blood pressure measured again, it will show the difference.

7. A smile can release endorphins, painkillers and serotonin
Studies have shown a smile can release endorphins, compounds that can reduce pain naturally and serotonin. All three can make people feel better and become a natural medicine.

8. Crease a smile on the face can make people look younger
The muscles used to smile lift the face so it can help make people look younger. Therefore try to smile more often which makes feel younger and better.

9. Smiling can make people seem to be successful
People who smile will look more confident, so much promoted, but it pairs smile at each meeting will have a different reaction.

10. A smile can help people stay positive
A smile will make people more positive and reduce negative thoughts. By reducing depression, stress and worry it will also increase a person’s health and avoid the risk of various diseases.

How to remove Fatness(Mootapa)...?

Mootapa Kaisay Door kiya Jai...?

How to Remove Fatness(Mootapa)...?

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Preventing Weight Gain...

If you're currently at a healthy weight, you're already one step ahead of the game. To stay at a healthy weight, it's worth doing a little planning now.

Or maybe you are overweight but aren't ready to lose weight yet. If this is the case, preventing further weight gain is a worthy goal.

As people age, their body composition gradually shifts — the proportion of muscle decreases and the proportion of fat increases. This shift slows their metabolism, making it easier to gain weight. In addition, some people become less physically active as they get older, increasing the risk of weight gain.

The good news is that weight gain can be prevented by choosing a lifestyle that includes good eating habits and daily physical activity. By avoiding weight gain, you avoid higher risks of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and some forms of cancer.

Choosing an Eating Plan to Prevent Weight Gain
So, how do you choose a healthful eating plan that will enable you to maintain your current weight? The goal is to make a habit out of choosing foods that are nutritious and healthful. To learn more, visit Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight.

If your goal is to prevent weight gain, then you'll want to choose foods that supply you with the appropriate number of calories to maintain your weight. This number varies from person to person. It depends on many factors, including your height, weight, age, sex, and activity level. For more, see Balancing Calories.

Get Moving!
In addition to a healthy eating plan, an active lifestyle will help you maintain your weight. By choosing to add more physical activity to your day, you'll increase the amount of calories your body burns. This makes it more likely you'll maintain your weight.

Although physical activity is an integral part of weight management, it's also a vital part of health in general. Regular physical activity can reduce your risk for many chronic diseases and it can help keep your body healthy and strong. To learn more about how physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, visit Physical Activity for Healthy Weight.

You may also find it helpful to weigh yourself on a regular basis. If you see a few pounds creeping on, take the time to examine your lifestyle. With these strategies, you make it more likely that you'll catch small weight gains more quickly.

Ask yourself—
Has my activity level changed?
 Am I eating more than usual? You may find it helpful to keep a food diary for a few days to make you more aware of your eating choices.
If you ask yourself these questions and find that you've decreased your activity level or made some poor food choices, make a commitment to yourself to get back on track. Set some reasonable goals to help you get more physical activity and make better food choices.

Want to learn more?
Keeping the Weight Off
Losing weight is the first step. Once you've lost weight, you'll want to learn how to keep it off.

Try the fitness challenge to find out how strong you are.

Ask 10 experts for their definition of fitness, and you’ll hear 10 different answers.

 That’s because how you define the word depends on the type of performance you expect. Some athletes need to develop a particular type of fitness over all others—powerlifters at one extreme, marathoners at another—but most of us are at our best when we achieve balanced fitness. In other words, we’re good at everything a healthy, active man needs to be able to do.

On these points the experts agree: You need core stability. You need lower-body strength and power to run, jump, and lift heavy objects off the ground. You need torso strength to lift your own body weight in repeated challenges. And you need enough endurance to run a mile without stopping for defibrillation.

That’s why we asked our experts to create seven fitness tests that will help you assess the shape you’re in. Start with the three challenges below, which measure core and upper-body strength—areas guys generally care about most. (You can see all 7 fitness tests in Are You MH Fit?) But don't just do these exercises once; make them part of your regular workout and you'll quickly broaden your shoulders, build your biceps, and chisel your torso. And become as fit as you've ever been. 

And don’t aim for average. Keep working at these exercises until you're not just fit, but Men’s Health Fit. Let the games begin.

Fitness Test #1: Core Stability

Fitness begins in the middle of your body. That’s also where it ends, if your core isn’t strong and stable. Not only do the muscles in your torso defend your spine against unwanted movements—the twists and jolts that produce injuries—but they also enable the movements you do want. They’re the linchpins that allow coordinated actions of your upper- and lower-body muscles.

So we’ll start with the plank, a fundamental test of core stability and endurance. The average guy should be able to hold a basic plank for 60 seconds, says strength coach Nick Tumminello. If you aspire to be Men's Health Fit, you should be able to do a more challenging version for the same amount of time.

You’ll need something long, solid, light, and straight, like a broom handle or dowel. Assume a basic plank position, with your weight resting on your forearms and toes. Your body should form a straight line from neck to ankles. You want your feet hip-width apart and your elbows directly below your shoulders.

Have a friend set the dowel along your back. It should make contact at three points: the back of your head, between your shoulder blades, and your tailbone. Hold that position. Stop if your body loses contact with the dowel at one of these three points.

If you can hold your position for 60 seconds, stop and rest for two minutes. Then do the plank with your feet on a bench. (You won’t be able to use the dowel, because it will slide off.)

Nailed it? Rest two minutes and try this version: With your feet back on the floor, move your arms forward so your elbows are beneath your eyes instead of your shoulders. If you can hold this one for 60 seconds, congratulations: You’re Men's Health Fit.

Planks are a big part of the 2012 Spartacus Workout, which readers are calling their favorite workout ever. The best part is its simplicity—all you need are dumbbells, a stopwatch, and some serious grit. Are you tough enough to try it?

Below average: You can’t hold a basic plank 60 seconds
Average: You go 60 seconds
Above average: You can hold a plank 60 seconds with your feet elevated on a bench
Men's Health Fit: You can hold a plank with your arms extended for 60 seconds

Fitness Test #2: Pushups

The bench press is the best size- and strength-building exercise for your chest. And yet the lowly ground-based pushup actually works more muscles, even if it doesn’t allow you to hit certain ones with maximum intensity.

Like the bench press, the pushup works your chest, shoulders, and triceps to exhaustion. It’s also a core exercise, forcing muscles in your abdomen, hips, and lower back to work hard to keep your spine in a safe position. But the biggest benefit of the pushup may be the way it forces the web of muscles surrounding your shoulder blades to man up and support your shoulder joints, which can become dysfunctional on a steady diet of bench presses.

This test, courtesy of Martin Rooney, one of the world's top strength and conditioning coaches, may be humbling for you, particularly if you’re at your best with your back on a bench and a barbell in your hands. Assume a pushup position with your hands directly below your shoulders, your feet hip-width apart, your weight resting on your hands and toes, and your body in a straight line from neck to ankles.

Lower your body until your chest is about an inch above the floor, pause for 1 second (this is essential), and then return to the starting position. Complete as many consecutive pushups as you can while maintaining strict form.

Below average: Fewer than 15 pushups
Average: 16 to 29 pushups
Above average: 30 to 44 pushups
Men's Health Fit: 45+ pushups

Fitness Test #3: Chinups

Just as the bench press has replaced the pushup in many exercise programs, so has the lat pulldown replaced the chinup. And that’s a shame. Both exercises hit the featured muscles in the upper and middle back—the lats, lower trapezius, and rear deltoids—but the chinup goes lower and deeper. Because you’re hanging from a bar rather than sitting on a padded seat, you force muscles in your middle back to work with the muscles in your hips and lower back to keep your spine in a safe position.

“Chinups are a great test of upper-body strength and endurance, core stability, and spinal stabilization,” says Men’s Health advisor Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., coauthor of The New Rules of Lifting for Abs. Pulldowns are certainly easier, but as with so many things in life, limited effort produces limited rewards.

Grab a chinup bar using a shoulder-width, underhand grip. Hang at arm’s length. Pull your chest up to the bar, pause for 1 second, and then slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat. A repetition counts only if you start from a dead hang with your arms straight.

Below average: Fewer than 3 chinups
Average: 3 to 7 chinups
Above average: 8 to 10 chinups
Men's Health Fit: More than 10 chinups