Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

The lethal 'C'

Gynecologists have made it necessary for all expecting mothers to get themselves tested for Hepatitis C. 

According to National Programme for Control and Prevention of Hepatitis (NPCPH), there are about 5 to 6 per cent of hepatitis C patients. But the number of those with hepatitis C could be significantly higher if the entire Pakistani population were screened for the disease. Karachi-based general physician Dr Abu Talib explains about the disease.
"Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that affects the liver. It stops it from functioning properly and leads to swelling of the liver. The infection is often asymptomatic, but once established, chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years. 
Every human being requires a healthy liver as it fights against infections and stops bleeding. It also removes drugs and other poisons from your blood, storing energy for whenever it is needed." 

Who is at risk?
According to Dr. Abu Talib, hepatitis C infection is caused due to the hepatitis C virus (HCV). People at risk may include:
* Long-term kidney dialysis
* Regular or direct contact with blood at work (for instance, if you are working as a health care worker)
* Have unprotected sexual contact with a person who has hepatitis C 
* Share a needle with someone who has hepatitis C
* Receive blood or organs from a donor who has hepatitis C
* Share personal items such as toothbrushes and razors with someone who has hepatitis C (less common)
* Born to hepatitis C infected mothers (this occurs in about 1 out of 20 babies born to mothers with HCV).

Some of the common symptoms of the disease include abdominal pain (right upper abdomen) and swelling (due to fluid called ascites); bleeding from the oesophagus or stomach (due to dilated veins in the oesophagus or stomach called varices); dark urine;
fatigue; fever; jaundice; loss of appetite and nausea. 

Women and hepatitis C:
Hepatitis C does not spread through casual contact such as sneezing, coughing, hugging, or sharing drinking glasses. She suggests that women who have undergone a C-section or some other sort of surgery that requires blood transfusion should be tested for HCV, as blood transfusion is one of the main causes why this disease spreads. Many expectant women who are diagnosed positive for HCV have to wait till the baby is born, as the drugs are supposed to harm the foetus. Transmitting the virus to their babies during pregnancy or birth is one of their biggest concerns. 
Studies consistently show that the rate of transmission is low, about 5 per cent or 1 in 20 pregnancies; transmission only occurs when the women are diagnosed HCV RNA positive. Women who have chronic hepatitis C (that is, they still have HCV after six months of birth) do not tend to develop liver cirrhosis (scarring), liver cancer, or liver failure as rapidly as men. The female hormone oestrogen is said to protect women from liver damage. But the protective effect of oestrogen may diminish after menopause, as women's bodies produce fewer hormones.
Although HCV has been detected in breast milk in some studies, there is no indication that breastfeeding transmits the virus. Most experts do not discourage HCV-positive women from breastfeeding. But women who have cracked or bleeding nipples should be careful and consult the physician before breastfeeding. HCV is not transmitted from mothers to children through normal household contact. 
Ribavirin (medicine for hepatitis C treatment) is known to cause miscarriages and birth defects, so women should not use this drug during pregnancy. Most doctors also recommend that interferon (another hepatitis drug) should not be taken during pregnancy because of its effects on the foetus. 

Don'ts for people with hepatitis C:
Be careful not to take vitamins, nutritional supplements, or new over-the-counter medications without first discussing it with your health care provider. Try to avoid any substances that are toxic and affects the liver (hepatotoxic). Even a moderate amount of toxic substance speeds up the progression of hepatitis C, and reduces the effectiveness of the treatment.

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

This week for You....Women

This week You! takes a look at the health problems that are most prevalent in women all around the world... 

The word osteoporosis literally means 'porous bones', or in other words, bones that are filled with tiny pores, or holes. Our bones change constantly - breaking down and being rebuilt as part of the living process. If the rate of renewal does not equal the rate of breakdown, bone loss occurs. If this continues over the years, this results in osteoporosis.
There are a number of factors that can contribute to the development of osteoporosis including heredity, premature menopause, lack of exercise, smoking, irregular menstrual cycles and weight.
Low intake of calcium during childhood predicts one's chances of developing osteoporosis later in life. It is advised to focus on diet that is rich in calcium. Some rich sources of calcium include milk, yoghurt, cheese, oats etc. Many other nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, folic acid and boron are equally essential for healthy bones. 
Exercise is also extremely important for the prevention of osteoporosis. Doing some weight-bearing exercises such as brisk walking, running, stair-climbing or aerobics can be beneficial.

Breast cancer:
Every year, over 40,000 women worldwide lose their lives to this disease which isn't only curable but is also preventable. Breast cancer can be stopped if it's detected early. Some estimates suggest that an early detection pushes the chances of survival up to 90 per cent. 
A healthier lifestyle automatically translates into a lower risk for breast cancer. However, for women who lead erratic lives, breast cancer may be a possible problem in the future. For anyone who wants to decrease their chances of getting inflicted with breast cancer, the first step would be to control their diet and weight. 
The first thing all women need to do is make sure that they get their breasts examined on an annual basis. For women who have passed the 40 year mark, getting regular mammograms is essential for keeping breast cancer at bay. Both mammograms and clinical screenings are equally important. If one misses the cancer, the other might detect it. This is true for both procedures as there are cases where mammograms become useless and a clinical screening is vital and vice versa.
Factors that place women at a higher risk are:
* Women who have a family history of breast cancer
* Those that started their menstruation cycle at a later age
* Women who have a history of consanguineous i.e. marriages within the family
* Those with a body mass index that is equal to or greater than 30 (women who are overweight or obese)
* Women whose birthing trends show a higher parity (number of times a female gives birth)
* Along with women who gave birth to their child at a later age and have a positive history of abortion.

Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhoea)
It is estimated that between 50 to 70 per cent of women endure some degree of period pain and cramping. Every month many women suffer from pain around the time of their periods. For some women the pain can be so debilitating that they are forced to take time off work or can only get through their periods by dosing themselves with painkillers. 
Obviously pain is the overriding symptom in dysmenorrhoea, but many women will experience other symptoms, including nausea, diarrhoea/constipation, fainting/feeling dizzy, light-headedness, headaches, exhaustion and lethargy
Vitamin B6 is needed to produce 'good' prostaglandins which help in relaxing and widening the blood vessels. This vitamin has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and duration of period pains. So it is worth taking a good B-complex supplement. Other nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C and E, zinc and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are quite helpful in relieving the pain. 
If you want to ease the pain, include pineapples and berries of any kind (such as blackberries, blackcurrants, strawberries and even grapes) in your diet. The intake of fish or linseed oil capsules will also aid in keeping the 'bad' prostaglandins under control. 

Irregular Periods:
Suffering from irregular periods is a fairly clear indication that your cycles have become imbalanced. Irregular periods can be extremely difficult or even impossible to track.
Many women are unconcerned about having irregular cycles until they begin trying for a baby. Minor cycle irregularities are common. For example, you may have your period on day 23 of one month and then the next month on day 35.
The following symptoms are characteristic of irregular periods, and you can experience a combination of any or all of these:
* Large gaps with no periods
* Some gaps and then periods coming too frequently for a while (for example, two in one month) followed by gaps again.
* No periods for a long time and then bleeding continuously for a few weeks.

Stress and imbalances in thyroid function can be an important factor in causing irregular periods. Vitamins B2, B3 and B6 are necessary for thyroid hormone production and B5 (pantothenic acid) is essential for optimum adrenal function. The easiest way to make sure you are getting a good supply of these vitamins is to take them in the form of a good B-complex tablet. 
It is also believed that antioxidants have the ability to prevent cells from mutating. In other words, they prevent cells from becoming 'abnormal'. Antioxidants include vitamins A, C and E; so, make sure you are getting enough of these valuable nutrients.

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in or on the muscular wall of the womb and affects almost 20 per cent of women over the age of 30. They can vary in number and size, depending on the individual. Some fibroids can be as small as a pea, but others can be as large as a seven- or eight-month-old foetus. 
The main symptom of fibroids is heavy periods. Some women experience pain with fibroids - not necessarily intense period pains, but a feeling of pressure and a dragging sensation in the abdomen. In some cases the first indication that there may be fibroids is when there is trouble conceiving (infertility) or maintaining a pregnancy (miscarriage).
What you eat is very important because it can help to control excess levels of oestrogen that can encourage the fibroid to grow. It is essential that you start taking vitamins A, B, C and iron. Try to avoid drinking regular black tea with your meals; this blocks the intake of iron from your food. Similarly, phosphates, found in fizzy soft drinks, will also prevent iron from being absorbed by the body. Herb teas and fruit juices are fine.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):

Polycystic ovaries are ovaries that are actually covered with very small follicles in which the egg develops. In each menstrual cycle, follicles grow on the ovaries. Within those follicles the eggs develop, one of which will reach maturity faster than the others and be released into the fallopian tubes. This is known as ovulation. The remaining follicles (sometimes hundreds) will degenerate. 
In the case of polycystic ovaries, the ovaries are much larger than normal, and there are a series of undeveloped follicles that appear in clumps, rather like a bunch of grapes. Polycystic ovaries are not particularly troublesome and in many cases they will not even affect one's fertility. However, the actual problem starts when the cysts cause a hormonal imbalance. 
With the most extreme form of PCOS, you would tend to be overweight, have no or very few periods, be prone to acne, grow unusually heavy body hair, often on the face, breasts and inside of the legs, and be susceptible to mood swings. And can also result in problems with fertility and often recurrent miscarriages. Women with PCOS may be seven times more likely to develop diabetes because of problems with blood sugar balance. 
It is vital for women with polycystic ovaries to lose weight. This will help the hormone levels to return to normal and the symptoms of PCOS will start diminishing. 

Suffering a miscarriage is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a woman. Many women conceive easily and are not emotionally or physically prepared for the shock of losing a baby. 
A miscarriage, also known as 'spontaneous abortion', occurs when a baby (foetus) is lost spontaneously before the 24th week of pregnancy. In the case of a threatened miscarriage, where the risk of losing the baby is increased, one may experience:
* Bleeding from the vagina, often containing clots
* Blood in the vaginal mucous
* Abdominal pain and/or cramping
* Back pain

The nutrients that can be beneficial in preventing miscarriages are folic acid, vitamin E, selenium. Vitamin E is quite beneficial in thinning the blood and also prevents blood from clotting. While folic acid is essential for expectant mothers, it is extremely important for women who experience miscarriage.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

To lead a healthy lifestyle you need.....

Salads are the healthiest way to go for anyone who is bent on achieving a fit and vigorous lifestyle. However, there are some ingredients included in salads that you need to steer clear of. You! takes a look...  

To lead a healthy lifestyle you need to make serious life changing decisions about your attitude towards food, exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Adding fresh salads to the diet is something that is necessary as there are many benefits related to it. Fresh, raw vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fibre. However, you still need to be careful about the salads you consume. 
Salad bars in restaurants might seem like a good way to eat more vegetables but based on what you choose, you may just end up adding a lot of extra fat and calories to your meal. For instance, many dishes are loaded with mayonnaise, which turns your healthy meal into a fat fest. Read on to discover which foods you can eat as much as you like, foods that have some health benefits but should not be over consumed, as well as foods that one has to avoid at all costs.

Eat fest
Following are the ingredients used in salads that are healthy and can be consumed without you fretting about gaining those extra pounds. Before devouring a salad make sure it includes the following ingredients. 

Tomatoes are rich in betacarotene, Vitamins C and E. They are a good source of lycopene; an anti-oxidant that helps in protecting the body against cancer. Tomatoes are also very low in calories.

Rice and vegetable salad
This can prove to be a great filling dish that is full of fibre and nutrients, especially if the salad is made from brown rice. The vegetables that the salad contains are good sources of vitamins and minerals, however, be sure to steer clear of oily dressings as they can be packed with hidden fat. 

Carrot and salary sticks
Both these vegetables are low in calories so, as long as you are careful not to dip them into anything high fat, you can eat both as much as you like. Celery is a good high fibre choice and carrots contain betacarotene, which the body uses to make Vitamin A. Betacarotine is also a powerful antioxidant and high intakes of it can help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as certain cancers.

Mixed lettuce leaves
The darker the leaves the more nutrients they contain, such as Vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Here also one needs to watch out for oily salad dressings. Instead opt for balsamic vinegar or lemon juice to add flavour.

Be careful
Following are the foods that have some health benefits but you should be careful not to eat them in large quantities as they can prove to be unhealthy if consumed more than required.

Bean salad
As beans are high in fibre, bean dishes can be really filling. Pulses are also a good source of iron, making them an important food for people who don't eat meat. If the beans are in an oily dressing, drain off as much oil as you can before transferring them to your plate.

Pasta salad
Although pasta salads are a good source of starchy carbohydrates, make sure you only choose dishes with a tomato or vinegar based sauce. Also using mayonnaise in it will make it high in fat and calories.

Cottage cheese
This is a rich source of protein for vegetarians and contains calcium, which is important for healthy bones. Cottage cheese also includes Vitamin B, which helps maintain a healthy nervous system and is also low in fat. Always choose cottage cheese rather than potato salad or coleslaw if you are craving for something creamy.

A definite no no!
Following are the foods that have to be avoided at all costs if you dream of being fit, slim and healthy:

Croutons might taste nice but when you spot them in a salad bar, we suggest that you keep walking. Croutons are usually cooked in either oil or butter, making them a very high-fat choice. In place of croutons to add a crunchy flavour to the salad, opt for carrots or seeds. That way you won't waiver from your healthy diet regime.

Having coleslaw might sound healthy with all that carrot and cabbage but it includes a lot of mayonnaise, which makes it a bad choice if your motive is to reduce weight. If you cannot resist the consumption of mayonnaise then go for a small amount of it and choose calorie-reduced varieties if possible.

Potato salad
Unless the potato salad is of a low fat variety be sure to avoid eating it if you are watching your weight. This is because potato salads are usually packed with ample mayonnaise to turn your healthy diet regime upside down.

How to Prevent Man Boobs

This may be a funny topic, except that for some people it is 
very real, and embarrassing. Parents and young males should take note of contributing factors, making this an entirely preventable problem.

First of all let me start out by saying, I do not have man boobs. I am a girl, well okay, a woman. I want to point out that while man boobs occur in adult men, particularly those who are obese, a real problem is if they start to develop on young teenage boys. This is a real heath concern.

Breast development in teenage males is becoming more and more common. I doubt there has been a genetic mutation that suddenly occurred throughout the population, so it is more likely the result of an external force. The most likely cause of this is therefore, diet. I suggest three main areas of diet are contributing to the problem. I have started with the least likely culprits and worked up to what I feel is the biggest offender. Change your diet and you should be safer from developing this embarrassing problem.

Potato Chips. High in fat. Breast tissue is largely fat, eating fatty substances surely would contribute to the problem, especially in teenage boys. There are many different kinds of chips, some are being baked in ways that reduces the amount of fat. Rather than giving up eating potato chips altogether, a person should try to convert to eating the less fatty variety.
Beef and Pork. Meat is a problem, but not because of the fat content, and not because of how it is cooked. Mostly it is a problem because of the growth hormones injected into the animal, these hormones enter your body, even in minute amounts, eventually they can become a problem and possibly contribute to the development of male breast tissue growth. An easy thing to do is simply reduce the meat portion of your diet, in no way am I pushing people to become vegetarians, but in some cultures we eat far more meat than is recommended for daily intake.
Chicken. The number one contributer. The meat industry values the chicken breast. Chickens are selected for large breasts, and bred for that as well. Additionally they are given hormones to encourage larger breast development. It is my opinion, and has not been medically proven to my knowledge, that these hormones are likely to have entered the food supply, resulting in the unnatural growth of male breast tissue. You can select organically grown chicken or simply reduce the amount of chicken you consume.
Okay, true, this may not be scientifically proven yet, but it logically makes sense. Connect the dots yourself. It is common sense, this problem didn’t use to exist, we didn’t used to pump our food animals full of growth hormones. The problem is not as common in other cultures who do not eat as much meat, or where livestock is not subjected to so many chemicals.

Do I think this will help girls grow larger breasts? Well in truth it has been proven that the chemicals and hormones in meat have contributed to earlier puberty. However, this is actually a dangerous thing. The early onset of puberty creates very awkward moments for young girls who are not emotionally ready for the physical responsibility. I think the chemicals and hormones are triggering development, and will not necessarily make girls grow larger breasts, so I do not feel eating more meat is a good thing for young women to do if they want big boobs. Parents need to pay special attention to what food they offer at meal times to avoid creating this problem from, developing, pardon the pun.

There are other dangers of consuming meat in large quantities, studies have linked it to cancer. I am not suggesting people give up meat totally, but remember the recommended daily portion size is about the size of a deck of cards, and it is okay to have some days without consuming meat. Wash all fruits and vegetables.

Male breast development is real, it’s a problem, and it is preventable.

I have decided to spare you the pain of having pictures on this site, which are really not necessary. While this is a funny topic, all the points I made are serious.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Omega-3 Fats Provide Powerful Fertility Benefits

Omega-3 fatty acids have recently been shown to 
play a key role in the development of healthy sperm.

What the study found was that omega-3 fatty acids turns dysfunctional ’round headed’ sperm into strong, healthy ‘cone-shaped’ headed sperm with egg-opening proteins. This research sheds light on how a diet lacking in omega-3′s could lead to what on the surface seems like infertility.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Shown to Positively Impact Sperm Health
In the study, researchers examined how sperm develops in mice deficient in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fatty acid that makes up omega-3′s. What they found is that DHA plays an important role in sperm properly forming a structure known as the acrosome on the head of the sperm. The acrosome is contains enzymes which enable the sperm to break through the egg’s outer layers, thus making way for fertilization. Study researcher Manabu Nakamura reports the following:

“The acrosome on top of this cone head is gigantic, it is a large sack containing lots of enzymes…When the sperm meets the egg, the acrosome bursts and it releases enzymes and helps the sperm penetrate into the egg.”

What causes the proper formation of the acrosome is when vesicles fuse together inside what will become the sperm. These vesicles harness a key enzyme that is needed by the sperm if penetration and fertilization to the egg is to occur. Without DHA, however, this formation process does not happen. If the vesicles do not fuse together to make the acrosome, sperm maturation comes to a stop, and what looks like infertility is the result.

Luckily the human body, as well as other mammals, are able to make their own DHA if other fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are present. But with a problematic DHA-synthesizing enzyme, infertility problems could occur.

Improved sperm health is not the only benefits produced by omega-3 fatty acids. When you consume high quality fats such as DHA and EPA, you are essentially feeding the brain and giving it what it needs to function. A great source of omega-3 fats is walnut oil or flaxseed oil. You could also take a supplement of high quality fish oil such as that derived from krill.
Article source  http://naturalsociety.com

What foods are ideal in pregnancy?

A nutritious diet is necessary for the mothers-to-be
 as well as for the babies....

Eating a nutritious and carefully planned diet during pregnancy is the best way to take care of yourself and your baby. However, contrary to common notion a balanced diet is not equivalent to a nutritious diet that is suitable for expectant mothers. 

 "There are women who need to make some changes during their pregnancy. They include very young girls (adolescents who are still growing); women who are underweight or overweight when they conceive; women who have had more than 3 pregnancies; women who eat a restricted diet (e.g. macrobiotic, vegan); women who have been eating a diet which they consider has been unhealthy; and women who have any complications. If you fit within these categories you may need special nutritional advice,".

What foods are ideal in pregnancy? 
The following food groups help in providing necessary vitamins, minerals and protein for a healthy pregnancy and a strong baby: vegetables (at least 5 servings every day) and fruits (at least 2 servings per day); cereals, including breads, rice, pasta and noodles, preferably wholegrain; dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, hard cheese or cottage cheese - these are a good source of calcium to help you reach the recommended daily intake of 1000 mg (1300 mg of calcium a day is recommended in 14-18 year old females who are pregnant); and lean proteins such as fish, meat, poultry (e.g. chicken) or alternatives such as eggs and nuts; pulses (at least 1.5 servings per day). 

Beware of infection:
If you are eating only nuts and pulses for protein you will not be getting the iron, vitamin B12 or zinc that is required for good health. You will need to ensure that these nutrients come from other portions of your diet. Chilled, smoked or uncooked fish or seafood products should be avoided during pregnancy as it can be infected with the Listeria bacteria. Infection with Listeria can cause listeriosis, a flu-like illness that can harm your baby. 
"Other foods which can cause listeriosis are pre-cooked chicken and other chilled, pre-cooked meat products; stored salads and coleslaws; soft, semi-soft and surface-ripened cheeses and unpasteurised milk. All fresh foods should be washed thoroughly before eating. Unwashed fruits and vegetables may be contaminated with Toxoplasma, a bacterium found in cat's faeces that can cause toxoplasmosis - an infection which can harm your baby. Restrict foods which are high in sugar such as fizzy drinks or undiluted fruit juices, fats (french fries, cakes or chocolates) and salt (potato chips or pre-packaged noodles or stock)," she explains. 

The misconception:
Although women often feel hungrier during pregnancy (due to the demands of a growing baby and placenta), literally eating for two is unnecessary. Let your appetite guide you. If you feel hungry, eat healthy mid-meal snacks from the food list given above. Ideal snacks include yoghurt, fruit, washed vegetable sticks, muffins, nuts, dried fruits or drinks such as fruit smoothies. Most women will gain some extra non-baby weight during pregnancy. This is a natural phenomenon which is designed to help you breast feed well. This extra weight will generally come off when breast feeding is established if you maintain the diet outlined above. 
The weight might also increase if one has stopped smoking. A pregnant woman has to quit smoking as it is harmful for the mother and the baby 

Nausea and vomiting:
Morning sickness can mean that the healthiest of eaters find it hard to maintain a balanced diet. In most cases morning sickness will settle down by the 15th week of your pregnancy and you can resume your normal diet. Try to eat healthy foods when you can - eat small amounts. 

Drink plenty of fluids:
Drink plenty of fluids every day (between one and 2 litres). This will help prevent urinary tract infections (cystitis) and constipation. Don't be tempted to reduce your fluid intake just because you need to urinate more often. 

The genetic make up
The genetic make up of some women means they have an increased chance of having a child with neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Recent studies have shown that these women can reduce, but not eliminate, the chances of their child developing neural tube defects if they increase the amount of folate that they eat. As there is no practical way to determine which women have this genetic make up, it is recommended that all women eat a healthy diet rich in folate such as vegetables, fruits and cereals. Experts recommend for pregnant or women who plan to conceive, should take about 0.6 mg of folate daily. 
In addition to consuming folate as part of a varied diet, folate supplements containing 0.4 mg of folate should be taken every day from 4 weeks before conception until the 12th week of pregnancy. You can purchase folate supplements from a pharmacy, supermarket or health store or by prescription from your doctor. Folate is available on its own or as part of a multivitamin and mineral supplement specially formulated for pregnant women. 

The iron factor:
You need more iron when you are expecting, and iron supplement can be beneficial for a lot of women. Your doctor can prescribe whether you need an iron supplement or not. 
Iodine: Recent evidences suggest pregnant women do not get enough iodine in their diet. You may benefit from taking multivitamins and mineral supplements that contain iodine or you can use iodised table salt. Adequate iodine is essential for the baby's development, especially brain development.

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

The Miracle TEA (Green Tea)

"It's better to be deprived of food for three days,
 than green tea for one"....Ancient Chinese proverb.

Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan for thousands of years, not only for its taste but also for the now scientifically proved health benefits associated to it. Nowadays being consumed by millions all over the world, this particular tea, produced from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis is a bundle of health in just one cup a day. It’s also completely safe and economical to drink because it’s 100% natural. A lot of people have heard of the advantages of green tea but many don't know why it’s so beneficial and how its consumption can prove to be good to ones health. Read on to learn all the health benefits of green tea and have the moral satisfaction of knowing how every sip of it can to wonders for your body. 

What makes it so special?

 The secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful anti-oxidant. EGCG is beneficial for the human body in numerous ways, but what sets green tea apart is the way its processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidised. 

The consumption of this miracle tea is favorable for our bodies in more ways than we can dream of. The best way to preserve the numerous disease-fighting nutritions of green tea is to drink it freshly brewed. Let your tea steep for about 4-5 minutes before drinking it and see its many advantages in just a few months. The positive health effects of green tea are:

Prevents cancer:
If included in the diet daily, it can reduce bladder, colon, esophageal, pancreas, rectum, and stomach cancer up to 60%. The EGCG in the tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and besides it inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it also manages to kill the cells without harming healthy tissue.

Lowers "bad" cholesterol:
While containing properties that reduce bad cholesterol, it also improves the ratio of "good" cholesterol (known as HDL). 

Reduces high blood pressure:
Green tea helps in keeping down the blood pressure level by repressing angiotensin II; the cause of constriction of blood vessels that lead to high blood pressure.

Anti-diabetes effects:
Polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea are the two main antioxidants that are especially effective in lowering blood sugar. This further helps in preventing and relieving type-two diabetes.

Prevents liver disease:
The tea protects the liver even from toxins like alcohol and chemicals in cigarette smoke.

Destroys dental diseases: 
It diminishes the bacteria that cause tooth decay, plaque as well as bad breath.

Destroys free radicals that cause aging: 
Green tea will have the skin fresh and glowing just after a few weeks of its consumption. It also has long term benefits of making the skin young for a longer period of time as the polyphenol in it fights free radicals.

Boosts immune system:
Its high concentration of polyphenols and flaveboids boosts the disease-fighting capacity of the body.

Cardiovascular health:
Protects the body against cardiovascular disease as it improves blood vessel reactivity. Also contributing to the reduction arterial stiffness, green tea in effect reduces the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Green tea also helps prevent cell damage and speeds up recovery of the heart cells.

Relief from allergies:
The EGGC anti-oxidant blocks main receptors that produce allergic reactions.

Cold and flu:
Due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, green tea speeds up recovery from cold and flu. The vitamin C found in green tea treats it.

Boosts mental alertness: 
The amino acid L-theanine, found almost exclusively in the tea plant, actively alters the attention networks of the brain. The theanine is absorbed by the small intestine and crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it affects the brain's neurotransmitters and increases alpha brain-wave activity. The result is a calmer, yet more alert, state of mind.

Lowers stress:
Drinking green tea lowers levels of the stress hormone (cortisol), up to 20 per cents. It also helps in reducing headaches caused by stress and anxiety.

Effects on HIV:
EGCG found in green tea can lead to the inhibition of HIV binding to health immune cells. It is not a cure but if used in combination with conventional medicines, it can improve quality of life for those infected. 

Food poisoning:
The Catedchin in green tea kills bacteria in food. 

Antidepressant properties
A more frequent consumption of green tea, at least 2 to 3 cups a day, leads to a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms.

The weight loss factor
With the help of green tea extracts one can speed up the fat burning process. Researchers have discovered that drinking a cup of green tea daily (ideally during daytime because that’s when your metabolism works best), boosts the bodies metabolism from 8 to 14 percent due to its high concentration levels of polyphenol. Also, the catechin ingredient in green tea boosts the burning of calories and prevents free-radicals from damaging the body after a heavy workout. Exercise accompanied with green tea will get ones body in shape in no time. For the best results, drink one cup of this herbal weight loss tea daily after every meal and soon your body will become slimmer and healthier. Whether you’re a body builder or just someone who wants to get rid of unwanted fat, a green tea diet is the right answer for you! Consider it as Mother Nature’s gift to keep you healthy and in shape!

Negative Effects of Green . 
Green tea has numerous benefits but always keep in mind that even the healthiest thing in the world can turn into poison if over done. The side effects of green tea begin if one exceeds the usual recommendation of 4 to 6 cups a day. This includes insomnia, irregular heart beat, dizziness, diarrhea, excessive urination, vomiting, headache, reduction of potassium levels, loss of appetite or other caffeine-related side effects. Tea contains oxalate, so over consumption of it can cause kidney stones. Also, avoid drinking tea when it’s scalding hot or when it turns cold as this can be harmful to the digestive system and has been linked to risks of esophageal cancer. Remember never to drink tea on an empty stomach as this can cause "coldness" to enter the lungs and stomach system. In addition to this, it is advised to pregnant women to steer clear of green tea as the caffeine present in it can increase the risk a miscarriage and growth retardation. In this situation, the EGCG in green tea can affect the way in which the body uses folate, which is vital in the prevention of neural tube birth defects. Green tea is also not advisable to be consumed by the young as it contains tannins that may block nutrients absorption such as protein and fats in children.

The Health Benefits of Jackfruit.

Jackfruit tree belongs to the mulberry family, mostly cultivated in tropical regions and sub tropical regions of the world....

especially in Bangladesh and India and cultivated in other parts of the world including South Asian countries, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and grown in Brazil and African Countries. Jackfruits are the largest fruits among all the fruits, which weighs about approximately 36 kilos and measured about 50 cm and 90 cm in size.  Ripe Jackfruits are delicious and sweet in taste and looks like yellow pods and can be eaten raw, while unripe jackfruits are green in color and are used to prepare delicious recipes, dishes and salads.

The following nutrients are found in Jackfruit are, it contains essential minerals namely, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, sodium and selenium and Vitamins such as, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex vitamins such as B6, B12, B5, B1, B3, B2, and Folic acid & folates, retinol, choline, and antioxidants like beta carotene, alpha carotene, and saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, zero cholesterol, phytosterols, in addition to these, it also possess carbohydrates, proteins, water, fats, sugars, and dietary fiber with good calorific value.

Jackfruit nutritional benefits include; The presence of saponins, lignans, isoflavones together with Vitamin C, fights against cancer and clears off free radicals and thereby protects against degenerative disorders like cancer. Jackfruit boosts the immune system by strengthening WBC cells and protects against bacterial, viral infections due to the presence of rich Antioxidant, Vitamin C. It promotes good and improves digestion and heals ulcers and digestive disorders, it prevents the formation of carcinogens in the colon and prevents constipation due to the presence of rich dietary fiber.  It prevents skin disorders and promotes healthy vision and prevents night blindness.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Your Feet and Boots for the Harsh Winter Weather

The weather is changing outside and it is time 
to put away those flip-flops and sandals....

and pull out the women‚ boots that are tucked at the back of the closet. Before you put on those boots, you need to prepare your feet and your footwear for the harsh conditions of winter. Winter snow, ice, salt, and changing temperatures can take a toll on your feet and boots, so now is the time to get ready so that you won‚Äôt have to deal with the cracking and drying associated with those long winter months.

Caring for your feet before, during, and after the winter can keep them soft, supple, and smooth. The cold weather can cause toenails to grow brittle, and the dryness can cause your heels and skin to become hard and dry. Begin your preparation with a pedicure. Whether you do this at home or at a salon, first soak your feet in a foot bath to soften callouses, follow it with an exfoliating foot scrub, and finish up with a moisturiser that will help keep your feet soft.

Not only should you keep your feet moisturised, but selecting the right socks are important too. Make sure that your socks are thick enough to ensure that your feet are warm and comfortable during the cold days. While cotton socks are appropriate during the summer, synthetic fibres that are warmer make better socks for the winter, so put away the cotton ones, and select thicker socks. Making sure that your feet and ankles are safe during those slippery times is also important. When you are out and about on the slippery surfaces, step carefully and find women’s boots that keep your feet and ankles secure.

Boots are not only for getting you from one place to another while keeping your feet warm and dry in the snow and ice. They can be fashionable, and add to your wardrobe. However, no one wants to look at shabby women’s boots that are cracked, and dull. Whether they are suede, leather, or waterproof, attending to your women’s boots before the harsh, cold winter arrives can ensure that they stay supple and stylish. Road salts, wet weather, and fluctuating temperatures can take a toll on boots, and they need proper care. Brush the boots clean of salt and snow, clean heels with a mild soap, and for leather boots, apply leather conditioner with a soft cloth. For suede, just brush away any dirt stains and use a brisk brush to pull up the nap and flattened areas. Waterproof boots just need a gentle cleanser to remove dirt. Spraying your boots with water repellent can help prevent them from getting too soaked.

Your feet and boots are what will keep you warm, dry, and comfortable during the winter. Taking time now to prepare your feet and boots before the winter comes is essential, and doing so will guarantee that you will have soft feet, and stylish shoes even during the bleakest months. Preparation and upkeep will also guarantee that your women’s boots will hold up for the next season, and your feet will be ready when it’s time to put on those sandals once again.

Tough on cold

During winters the most prevalent and troublesome disease is catching a cold. You! takes a look at the causes, symptoms and some home remedies to relieve cold...

The common cold is caused due to infection in the upper respiratory tract, including the nose and throat. There are about 200 different types of viruses than can cause the common contagious cold. Most of the cases are mild, and people recover from it without any complications. However, in some cases the common cold can lead to more serious infections. The effects of the disease can vary from person to person depending on the specific type of virus that causes the infection. 

Symptoms of cold include low-grade fever, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, stuffy nose, body aches, headache, fatigue, sore throat and cough. 
Because the symptoms can be mild, some people may not seek medical care and get a diagnosis. Signs and symptoms of common cold in children generally tend to be more severe and can often cause complications like ear infections as well. If the cold affects children under the age of two it would be advisable to seek medical help as soon as possible. Signs of dehydration, decreased urination, reduced fluid intake, loss of appetite and abdominal pain or sleeplessness and breathing difficulty in children should also be treated very seriously. 

How it spreads
When someone with a cold coughs or sneezes, the contagious viruses transfer from one person to another. The common cold also spreads by touching an infected person or a surface contaminated by the virus, such as a contaminated drinking glass or doorknob. 

Dr Shahid at Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK) says that some people might be at a risk for complications of common cold. These people include those who have a chronic disease, an immunodeficiency disorder and a suppressed immune system. Consultation with a physician is essential as such people can be affected by pneumonia, otitis media, acute bronchitis, sinusitis, and worsening of asthma. 
"If high fever occurs you probably suffer from flu like infection and should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. It is also advisable to visit your doctor if your common cold or nasal congestion is accompanied by sweating and chills or a cough with coloured phlegm, or if you experience swelling of the glands and sinus pain, as these can worsen and complicate the situation," explains Dr Shahid. 

Home remedies:
Herbal expert Dr Siddique Patni suggests that antibiotics are ineffective against the common cold. There may be some cases for which a prescribed antiviral drug may be appropriate as it helps to relieve severe cold or infections but generally herbal cure is the best option for common colds. "As common cold can be caused by various varieties, drugs like antibiotics offer no relief against the disease and such drugs can only work against bacterial infections. The use of antibiotics in such situations simply weakens the natural immunity of a person, creates bacterial resistance and destroys healthy bacteria, leaving the patient a lot more exposed to a host of other infections. Home remedies for common colds are the best and most effective options. In most cases natural treatments would suffice to provide swift cold relief especially for children and pregnant women.

Dr Patni suggests the following home remedies for common cold:

Garlic is one of the most popular home cures for colds. Many cultures have this home remedy for the cold using garlic that includes chicken soup with lots of garlic, a drink made with raw crushed garlic, or eating raw garlic. The cold-fighting compound in garlic is thought to be allicin, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

Onion juice:
Adding few drops of garlic oil and a teaspoon of onion juice to a cup of warm water can be beneficial in relieving the cold.

Ginger tea: It can be made by boiling a piece of ginger in normal tea or drink a teaspoonful of ginger juice mixed with equal quantity of honey.

Chicken soup:
The age-old remedy of chicken soup may actually help to break up congestion and provides easy-to-digest nutrients to help keep up strength. 

A teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with milk boiled over a slow fire can also help in relieving cold. 

Honey and lemon:
Drink hot water with a lot of lemon and a teaspoonful of honey several times a day until cured.

Get plenty of rest:
Getting proper rest boosts your immune system and will help you in getting better.

In a glass of warm water mix one teaspoon of table salt and gargle several times a day to cure throat sore.

Bath: Adding a few drops of cinnamon in the hot bath water can relieve congestion.

Vicks Vaporub:
Take hot water in a bowl and put some Vicks in it. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the vapours. This remedy is good for your blocked nose.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Fruit Juices and Nectars both act as Nutritious Beverages and can play a significant part in a Healthy Diet

Intro: Fruit juices and nectars both act as nutritious
beverages and can play a significant part in a healthy diet.
It would be prudent to look towards a box of juice
to revitalise you in the smoldering summer
heat and keep you hydrated...

With the never-ending 'To Do' list and overwhelming time constraints most women easily fall prey to the unrealistic expectations and superficial standards fabricated by society. Indeed, life is extremely busy and demanding and the world we live in is very fast paced and stressful. Familiar with the above predicament, the lives of most women revolve around finding and striking the right balance between family needs, office responsibilities, social obligations and extra-curricular activities which can be truly exhausting. 
Here it is imperative to point out that more often than not women tend to ignore their own health and well being in pursuit of what is only achievable in an ideal world - the perfect balance. It is at times like these that we need to be reminded that it is only when we take care of ourselves, *are we best able to care for those around us. Sometimes it is okay to just take comfort in knowing that you've done the best that you could in a day and that tomorrow is another day. Being content with giving your family your 100% should be rewarding enough. 

Having a balanced and nutritional diet is the key to achieving balance in other aspects of life. A balanced diet will lead to a more energized you, which in turn will allow you to efficiently manage your day without being bogged down. There are many sources from where one can get the required energy you need. However, bearing in mind your nutritional needs and hectic schedule- it would be prudent to look towards a box of juice to revitalise you in the smoldering summer heat and keep you hydrated. 

There is nothing like a cool refreshing juice to combat that lethargy we all feel during the day. However, most of us are unaware about what the healthiest choice options are in the juices category. As far as beverages are concerned, needles to say, non-carbonated drinks are the healthiest of the lot and can further be divided into still drinks, juices and nectars. Still drinks are the kind in which you have a readymade formula to which water is added to make a glass or jug of it, squashes for example. Nectars are a form of fruit juice which contains fruit concentrate and which can take a range of forms, depending on the style in which it is made. Many people associate 'nectar' with undiluted fruit juices that tend to be very sweet and very rich, much like the plant nectar they are named for. Juices are the beverages produced as a result of crushing or squeezing a fruit and have a 100% fruit concentrate. 

Fruit juices and nectars both act as nutritious beverages and can play a significant part in a healthy diet because they offer a variety of nutrients found naturally in fruits. Being one of the best forms of nature's power foods, they are really valuable for health. One of the best advantages of fruit juices is that it stirs-up and flushes out accumulated toxins. 

Looking at the present scenario, where every person is going through various efforts to cope with their routines and lifestyle with little or no time for self appreciation staying healthy and active without feeling fatigued can certainly be a challenge. Healthy eating habits and fruit juices can definitely prove to be very beneficial in the pursuit of balance and help ensure a 'fruitastic' life.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Dental Trouble

Intro: This week You! takes a 
look at several tooth problems and how one 
can cure them...

A 'toothache' refers to pain around the teeth or jaws primarily resulting from a dental condition. Its severity in pain ranges from mild to excruciating and may further be aggravated after chewing food. There are several causes of toothache and not all of them are necessarily related to dental health. This is why it's necessary to see a dentist for an accurate diagnosis in order to cure the problem from its root. Following are some of the tooth problems causing toothaches, hand in hand with viable solutions required to get rid of them.

Dental cavities & dental abscess
Dental cavities (caries) are holes in the two outer layers of a tooth called the enamel and the dentin. Both the layers serve to protect the inner living tooth tissue called the pulp, where blood vessels and nerves reside. The acid created from sugars, softens and (along with saliva) dissolves the enamel and dentin, creating cavities. The inner living pulp of the affected tooth can become irritated by bacterial toxins or by foods and liquids that are cold, hot, sour, or sweet, thereby causing toothaches. Severe injury to the pulp can lead to the death of pulp tissue, resulting in tooth infection (dental abscesss).
Treatment:  Treatment of a small and shallow cavity usually involves a dental filling and a crown for larger cavities. Treatment for a cavity that has penetrated and injured the pulp or infected the tooth is either a root canal procedure or extraction. 

Gum disease
The second most common cause of toothache is gum disease (periodontal disease). Gum disease refers to inflammation of the soft tissue (gingiva) and abnormal loss of bone that surrounds and holds the teeth in place. Gum disease is caused by toxins secreted by certain bacteria in "plaque" that accumulate over time along and under the gum line. An early symptom of gum disease is gum bleeding without feeling any pain. Pain is a symptom of more advanced gum disease as the loss of bone around the teeth leads to the formation of deep gum pockets. Bacteria in these pockets cause gum infection, swelling, pain, and further bone destruction. 
Treatment: Treatment of gum disease always involves oral hygiene and removal of bacterial plaque and tartar (hardened plaque). Advanced gum disease usually requires a thorough cleaning of the teeth and teeth roots called 'scaling and root planing' and 'subgingival curettage'. Scaling and root planning is the removal of plaque and tartar from exposed teeth roots while subgingival curettage refers to the removal of the surface of the inflamed layer of gum tissue. Both of these procedures are usually performed under local anesthesia and may be accompanied by the use of oral antibiotics to overcome gum infection or abscess. In advanced gum disease with significant bone destruction and loosening of teeth, teeth splinting or teeth extractions may be necessary.

Tooth root sensitivities
Toothache can also be caused by exposed tooth roots, a condition known as 'recession'. Bacterial toxins dissolve the bone around the roots and cause the gum and the bone to recede, exposing the roots. The exposed roots can become extremely sensitive to cold, hot, and sour foods.
Treatment: Early stages of root exposure can be treated with topical fluoride gels applied by the dentist or with special toothpastes (such as Sensodyne or Denquel) which contain fluorides and other minerals. These minerals are absorbed by the surface layer of the roots to make the roots stronger and less sensitive to the oral environment. Dentists may also apply 'bonding agents' to the exposed roots to seal the sensitive areas. In case of injury of the inner living pulp tissue of the tooth due to root exposure, a root canal procedure or tooth extraction may be required.

Cracked tooth syndrome
'Cracked tooth syndrome' refers to a toothache caused by a broken tooth (tooth fracture) without associated cavity or advanced gum disease. These fractures are usually due to chewing or biting hard objects such as hard candies, pencils, nuts, etc. 
Treatment: Treatment involves protecting the tooth with a full-coverage crown made of gold and/or porcelain. 

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (s) can cause pain which usually occurs in or around the ears or lower jaw. TMJ disorders can be caused by different types of problems such as injury, arthritis, or jaw muscle fatigue from habitually clenching or grinding teeth. Sometimes, muscles around the TMJ used for chewing can go into spasm, causing head and neck pain as well as difficulty in opening the mouth normally. 
Treatment: This involves oral anti-inflammatory over-the counter (OTC) drugs like ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). Other measures include warm moist compresses to relax the joint areas, stress reduction, and/or eating soft foods that do not require much chewing. If bruxism is diagnosed by a dentist, a bite appliance (night guard) may be recommended that is worn during the night to protect the teeth. 

Impaction & eruption
Dental pain can come from teeth that are erupting (tooth growing out or "cutting") or are impacted (tooth has failed to emerge into its proper position and remains under gum and/or bone). When a molar tooth erupts, the surrounding gum can become inflamed and swollen. Impacted teeth cause pain when they put pressure onto other teeth or bone and are inflamed and/or infected. 
Treatment: This involves pain medication, antibiotics (for infections), and surgical removal.