Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

The Miracle TEA (Green Tea)

"It's better to be deprived of food for three days,
 than green tea for one"....Ancient Chinese proverb.

Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan for thousands of years, not only for its taste but also for the now scientifically proved health benefits associated to it. Nowadays being consumed by millions all over the world, this particular tea, produced from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis is a bundle of health in just one cup a day. It’s also completely safe and economical to drink because it’s 100% natural. A lot of people have heard of the advantages of green tea but many don't know why it’s so beneficial and how its consumption can prove to be good to ones health. Read on to learn all the health benefits of green tea and have the moral satisfaction of knowing how every sip of it can to wonders for your body. 

What makes it so special?

 The secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful anti-oxidant. EGCG is beneficial for the human body in numerous ways, but what sets green tea apart is the way its processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidised. 

The consumption of this miracle tea is favorable for our bodies in more ways than we can dream of. The best way to preserve the numerous disease-fighting nutritions of green tea is to drink it freshly brewed. Let your tea steep for about 4-5 minutes before drinking it and see its many advantages in just a few months. The positive health effects of green tea are:

Prevents cancer:
If included in the diet daily, it can reduce bladder, colon, esophageal, pancreas, rectum, and stomach cancer up to 60%. The EGCG in the tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and besides it inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it also manages to kill the cells without harming healthy tissue.

Lowers "bad" cholesterol:
While containing properties that reduce bad cholesterol, it also improves the ratio of "good" cholesterol (known as HDL). 

Reduces high blood pressure:
Green tea helps in keeping down the blood pressure level by repressing angiotensin II; the cause of constriction of blood vessels that lead to high blood pressure.

Anti-diabetes effects:
Polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea are the two main antioxidants that are especially effective in lowering blood sugar. This further helps in preventing and relieving type-two diabetes.

Prevents liver disease:
The tea protects the liver even from toxins like alcohol and chemicals in cigarette smoke.

Destroys dental diseases: 
It diminishes the bacteria that cause tooth decay, plaque as well as bad breath.

Destroys free radicals that cause aging: 
Green tea will have the skin fresh and glowing just after a few weeks of its consumption. It also has long term benefits of making the skin young for a longer period of time as the polyphenol in it fights free radicals.

Boosts immune system:
Its high concentration of polyphenols and flaveboids boosts the disease-fighting capacity of the body.

Cardiovascular health:
Protects the body against cardiovascular disease as it improves blood vessel reactivity. Also contributing to the reduction arterial stiffness, green tea in effect reduces the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Green tea also helps prevent cell damage and speeds up recovery of the heart cells.

Relief from allergies:
The EGGC anti-oxidant blocks main receptors that produce allergic reactions.

Cold and flu:
Due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, green tea speeds up recovery from cold and flu. The vitamin C found in green tea treats it.

Boosts mental alertness: 
The amino acid L-theanine, found almost exclusively in the tea plant, actively alters the attention networks of the brain. The theanine is absorbed by the small intestine and crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it affects the brain's neurotransmitters and increases alpha brain-wave activity. The result is a calmer, yet more alert, state of mind.

Lowers stress:
Drinking green tea lowers levels of the stress hormone (cortisol), up to 20 per cents. It also helps in reducing headaches caused by stress and anxiety.

Effects on HIV:
EGCG found in green tea can lead to the inhibition of HIV binding to health immune cells. It is not a cure but if used in combination with conventional medicines, it can improve quality of life for those infected. 

Food poisoning:
The Catedchin in green tea kills bacteria in food. 

Antidepressant properties
A more frequent consumption of green tea, at least 2 to 3 cups a day, leads to a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms.

The weight loss factor
With the help of green tea extracts one can speed up the fat burning process. Researchers have discovered that drinking a cup of green tea daily (ideally during daytime because that’s when your metabolism works best), boosts the bodies metabolism from 8 to 14 percent due to its high concentration levels of polyphenol. Also, the catechin ingredient in green tea boosts the burning of calories and prevents free-radicals from damaging the body after a heavy workout. Exercise accompanied with green tea will get ones body in shape in no time. For the best results, drink one cup of this herbal weight loss tea daily after every meal and soon your body will become slimmer and healthier. Whether you’re a body builder or just someone who wants to get rid of unwanted fat, a green tea diet is the right answer for you! Consider it as Mother Nature’s gift to keep you healthy and in shape!

Negative Effects of Green . 
Green tea has numerous benefits but always keep in mind that even the healthiest thing in the world can turn into poison if over done. The side effects of green tea begin if one exceeds the usual recommendation of 4 to 6 cups a day. This includes insomnia, irregular heart beat, dizziness, diarrhea, excessive urination, vomiting, headache, reduction of potassium levels, loss of appetite or other caffeine-related side effects. Tea contains oxalate, so over consumption of it can cause kidney stones. Also, avoid drinking tea when it’s scalding hot or when it turns cold as this can be harmful to the digestive system and has been linked to risks of esophageal cancer. Remember never to drink tea on an empty stomach as this can cause "coldness" to enter the lungs and stomach system. In addition to this, it is advised to pregnant women to steer clear of green tea as the caffeine present in it can increase the risk a miscarriage and growth retardation. In this situation, the EGCG in green tea can affect the way in which the body uses folate, which is vital in the prevention of neural tube birth defects. Green tea is also not advisable to be consumed by the young as it contains tannins that may block nutrients absorption such as protein and fats in children.

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