Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Your Feet and Boots for the Harsh Winter Weather

The weather is changing outside and it is time 
to put away those flip-flops and sandals....

and pull out the women‚ boots that are tucked at the back of the closet. Before you put on those boots, you need to prepare your feet and your footwear for the harsh conditions of winter. Winter snow, ice, salt, and changing temperatures can take a toll on your feet and boots, so now is the time to get ready so that you won‚Äôt have to deal with the cracking and drying associated with those long winter months.

Caring for your feet before, during, and after the winter can keep them soft, supple, and smooth. The cold weather can cause toenails to grow brittle, and the dryness can cause your heels and skin to become hard and dry. Begin your preparation with a pedicure. Whether you do this at home or at a salon, first soak your feet in a foot bath to soften callouses, follow it with an exfoliating foot scrub, and finish up with a moisturiser that will help keep your feet soft.

Not only should you keep your feet moisturised, but selecting the right socks are important too. Make sure that your socks are thick enough to ensure that your feet are warm and comfortable during the cold days. While cotton socks are appropriate during the summer, synthetic fibres that are warmer make better socks for the winter, so put away the cotton ones, and select thicker socks. Making sure that your feet and ankles are safe during those slippery times is also important. When you are out and about on the slippery surfaces, step carefully and find women’s boots that keep your feet and ankles secure.

Boots are not only for getting you from one place to another while keeping your feet warm and dry in the snow and ice. They can be fashionable, and add to your wardrobe. However, no one wants to look at shabby women’s boots that are cracked, and dull. Whether they are suede, leather, or waterproof, attending to your women’s boots before the harsh, cold winter arrives can ensure that they stay supple and stylish. Road salts, wet weather, and fluctuating temperatures can take a toll on boots, and they need proper care. Brush the boots clean of salt and snow, clean heels with a mild soap, and for leather boots, apply leather conditioner with a soft cloth. For suede, just brush away any dirt stains and use a brisk brush to pull up the nap and flattened areas. Waterproof boots just need a gentle cleanser to remove dirt. Spraying your boots with water repellent can help prevent them from getting too soaked.

Your feet and boots are what will keep you warm, dry, and comfortable during the winter. Taking time now to prepare your feet and boots before the winter comes is essential, and doing so will guarantee that you will have soft feet, and stylish shoes even during the bleakest months. Preparation and upkeep will also guarantee that your women’s boots will hold up for the next season, and your feet will be ready when it’s time to put on those sandals once again.

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