Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Go the aerobics way

Aerobics is a physical exercise that includes stretching 
and strength training routines of flexibility....

Exercise is vital to keep a person healthy. Not only does it add to health benefits but also keeps a person fit and young. Fortunately it is something that we all can do and it is never too early and neither too late to make exercise a healthy habit. Sadly, many women with their burdening responsibilities find exercise routines vigorous and time-consuming. As work, family, and other responsibilities take precedence, they find it difficult to go to the gym or to fit any form of exercises into their schedule. However, aerobic exercises are one such practice that can be done easily at home without the help of an instructor and it doesn't take up that much time either. Read on to find out more about aerobics as You! talks to aerobic instructor Sana Nazir at Gym International, Karachi.

What is aerobics?
Aerobics is a physical exercise that includes stretching and strength training routines of flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness. Practically aerobic exercises stimulate the heart and lung activity by increasing the level of oxygen, strengthening both the circulatory system and physiological endurance. "Aerobic exercises are low in intensity. Due to its rhythmic movements, it is suitable for women, old people, and those who are not very fit," explains Sana. 

Benefits of aerobics
* Strengthens the respiratory system, bones and muscles
* Enlarges and strengthens heart muscles
* Normalises blood pressure
* Reduces risk in osteoporosis
* Reduces obesity and helps in weight loss
* Increases cell respiration by adding to the amount and speed of the blood flow
* Reduces the dangers of heart diseases 
* Lowers cholesterol  
* Prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes in adults
* Increases energy level
* Alleviates anxiety and depression 
* Prevents arthritis
* Improves the quality of sleep 
* Decreases the risk of various types of cancer

Aerobics at home
"If you have a hectic lifestyle that does not allow you to join a gym, you could always workout at home. For that planning is very important, so set a particular time for exercise and plan your weekly routine in advance," shares Sana. Here are some of the best aerobic exercises that Sana recommends: 
Dance: It is a popular and the most effective way of aerobics that can be done without equipment. 
Skipping: This fun exercise is easy and can be done on the spot. Skipping keeps one light on the toes and is also a very efficient fat burner.
Shadow boxing: This is an excellent way to burn calories and tone muscles. It's mostly low impact and can be done in doors. 

Aerobics for the old and the young
People in their teens are more energetic and can cope up with heavy and fast exercises while older people will find it impossible to keep up with a heavy exercise routine. According to Sana, "To avoid risks and injuries older people need to follow low impact aerobics while younger people can practice high impact aerobics."

Low impact aerobics 
Low impact exercises are designed to protect the muscle groups from being overused or stressed.
They are for older people, pregnant women or those suffering from diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. Also, those who are completely new to exercise can start off with this routine as they may be at a risk of injury if they start high intensity exercises. Low impact aerobic exercises include walking and stair climbing.

High impact aerobics 
High impact exercises are for younger people or those who are used to working out regularly. Such exercise routines are meant to strengthen the muscles and lungs. It also helps in reducing cholesterol levels.
The different types of high impact aerobics include jazz aerobics and hip-hop aerobics etc. Hip-hop aerobics include contemporary dance steps while jazz aerobics include funky twists and some steps of yoga. 

Negative affects
Aerobics has many physical and mental health benefits but it can also harm people suffering from a number of health conditions. Aerobics can be dangerous for:
* Those suffering from heart disease
*  People who have recently had a surgery related to the heart, kidney or liver
* Women who have a weak body immune system 
*  Those suffering from arthritis, diabetes, high level of blood pressure, heart diseases, osteoporosis or any other kind of blood diseases.
It is advised to people who suffer from the above mentioned conditions to consult medical experts before starting off with any exercise routine.

The Diet
Aerobics is more effective when combined with a diet that is low in fat and calories. Reducing calorie intake and increasing active exercise will result in weight reduction. "The diet should include everything like poultry, vegetables, fruits, dairy products etc., but in small proportions. Make sure that the use of sugar and oil is decreased. Intake of ample amount of water and other fluids are also essential in improving the immune system," suggests Sana.

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