Senin, 12 Desember 2011

What's the secret to a long and healthy life?

Over the last 200 years, the life expectancy of the average human being has doubled 
and research has shown that in each passing year, 3 months can be added to the 
worldwide estimation of 65 years for men and 70 for women. 

Longevity canhave a marked difference in where a person lives; Japan currently leads the way withtheir women living on average to 84 years of age and the men 77. And yet, it isa universally known trend fact that people are desperately seeking to find theelixir of life. The masses’ dream to stop the ageing process and find theability to live forever has created countless industries who supply everypotion, herb and pill.
Science does notlag far behind either, and many studies are being conducted that inform thepublic of ways to keep fit, remain healthy, and enjoy life. In this regard,some surveys were also conducted with Centenarians whose advice and personalrecommendations were as different and individual as they were. Their suggestionsranged from cold showers, yoga, keeping an active body and mind, and abstinencefrom alcohol.
It would appearthat apart from maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, frequentfresh air and exercise, one of the most important aspects to living a long lifeis to remain stress free. Stress is known as the silent killer and cantragically lead to a heart attack.
That iscertainly one common factor that all people living healthy share, and that isthe ability to remain calm in any situation. Everybody at some time has a majorevent in their lives, often involving major upheavals or a crisis of some sort,but some people are able to stay relaxed and take things in their stride. Thisstress free style of living keeps the working components of the body inexcellent shape.
Take theItalians for instance. They are the longest living Europeans. They believe ingoing home for lunch followed by a short sleep. Their relaxed attitude to lifeis proof to their longevity. If an opinion poll were taken, worldwide, it isdoubtful if many people would be found who do not desire to live a long andhealthy life. Effective stress management has been known to work wonders forpeople’s health. Maybe its time we tried it out also.

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