Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Menopause, Weight Gain

Gaining weight is common after menopause. In fact, about 30%of women aged 50 to 59 are not just overweight, but obese.

Here's what you needto know about the risks of weight gain and how exercise can help you loseweight and keep it off after menopause.

Many of the risks of weight gain are well known: high bloodpressure, heart disease, and diabetes, to name a few. Extra fat at yourwaistline increases these risks still more. Unfortunately, a bigger waistline ismore likely after menopause. If you now have a waist measurement of more than35 inches -- it's time to take steps to reverse this trend.

Why Weight Gain

What is it about menopause that makes it so challenging tokeep off the weight? It is likely a combination of factors related to menopauseand aging.
The impact of estrogen: In animal studies, estrogen appearsto help regulate body weight. With lower estrogen levels, lab animals tend toeat more and be less physically active. Reduced estrogen may also lowermetabolic rate, the rate at which the body converts stored energy into workingenergy. It is possible the same thing happens with women when estrogen levelsdecrease after menopause. In fact, some evidence suggests that estrogen hormonetherapy increases a woman's resting metabolic rate. This might help slow weightgain.

Other age-relatedfactors

As women age, many other changes occur that contribute toweight gain. For example:
You are less likely to exercise. In fact, 60% of adults arenot active enough and this increases with age.
You lose muscle mass, which decreases your restingmetabolism, making it easier to gain weight.
Your aerobic capacity declines. This is the rate at whichyou can use up energy during exercise. To use the same energy as in the pastand achieve weight loss, you may need to increase the amount of time you'reexercising, no matter what your past activity levels were.

How Exercise Helps

Exercise is effective at influencing your levels of totalbody fat and abdominal fat. The more active you are, the less weight you arelikely to gain. A National Institutes of Health review showed that people whoparticipated in aerobic activities every day for 10 or more minutes had 6 fewerinches around the waistline compared to people who did not exercise. And,exercising while you're in the process of losing weight -- as well as afteryou've lost it -- may be critical to maintaining weight loss.
It's also good to remember that exercise has many benefitsseparate from weight loss and fitness. The list of exercise benefits is toolong to include, but here are a few benefits that are especially helpful aftermenopause. Exercise helps:
Lower risk of osteoporosis
Reduce risk of metabolic syndrome, heart attack, and othercardiovascular diseases
Keep joints and muscles strong
Maintain good bowel function
Relieve depression and anxiety
Improve overall health

Good Exercise Choices

Which types of exercise can best help you lose and maintainweight after menopause?
Strength training or a weight resistance exercise programhelps build muscle mass and improve metabolism. Strength training also helpsmaintain bone mass. Because you lose muscle mass as you age, add this to yourworkouts, if you haven't before. Try doing this two or three times a week.Examples of strength training include weight machines, dumbbells, exercisebands, yoga, and gardening.
Low-impact aerobics increases heart and respiratory rates.Walking is one of the best choices because you can do it anywhere, anytime.Other examples of aerobic exercises include swimming, cycling, aerobics,tennis, and dance. Exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes most, if notall, days of the week.
Whenever you can, add activity to your day. Wash the car,play hide and seek with your grandchildren, get in a game of ping pong.

Exercise Tips

Before you begin your exercise workouts:
Talk to your doctor about a new exercise program. Chooseactivities you enjoy so you'll stick with your workouts.
Find an exercise partner to help you stay motivated.
Buy supportive shoes -- the right ones for your activity.
Pick a start date and start.
After you begin your exercise workouts:
Allow at least 10 minutes to warm up before starting toexercise rigorously. To do this, choose an activity that gently works yourmajor muscles.
Before you work out, stretch the muscles that will absorbmost of the shock of your exercise routine.
Stop, and let your doctor know if you experience any newpain while exercising.
Gradually increase the distance, length, or intensity ofyour workout.
Mix it up -- do a variety of different exercises. 
For the best fitness results, combine your exercise effortswith good nutrition. Here are just a few tips:
Choose whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
Stay away from processed foods.
Keep a food diary to help you monitor your caloric intake.
Don't eat too late in the evening.
When you eat out, take half the serving home.
Eat smaller amounts, but more often.

Aerobic Exercises

The most effective approach toreversing weight gain after menopause included is aerobic exercise boosts yourmetabolism and helps you burn fat. Strength training exercises increase musclemass, boost your metabolism and strengthen your bones. Eating large amounts ofhigh-fat foods adds excess calories, which can lead to weight gain and obesity.Limit fat to 20 percent to 35 percent of your daily calories. The causes ofweight gain during menopause can be divided into psychological and physical

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